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Wednesday, 14 August 2024
Oleh: adminfsrd

Trisakti International Student Exchange Program (TRISEP) 2024 – Faculty Session FSRD

Faculty of Arts and Design held a Faculty Session as a series of Trisakti International Student Exchange Program (TRISEP) 2024 activities with the theme “Future of Work: Technopreneurial Skills for the Digital Age” on Wednesday, August 14, 2024 at Building R 2nd floor, Trisakti University. TRISEP 2024 is organized by the Office of International Affairs, Cooperation, and Culture (KUIKK) of Trisakti University.

Faculty Session FSRD with the material title “Contemporary Approach to Batik Design Techniques” aims to introduce Indonesian culture, namely batik in its development from traditional batik to the utilization of its application through digital technology in contemporary batik. The event was opened by the Dean of FSRD Trisakti University, Prof. Dr. Wegig Murwonugroho, S.Sn, M.Hum, followed by the presentation of material by Dra. Atridia Wilastrina, M.Ds with Tommy Hari Prihatanto, S.Sn, M.Ds as a companion speaker.

This activity was attended by 20 participants from various countries consisting of 13 students and 1 lecturer from Malaysia, 3 students from Vietnam, 2 students from China, and 1 student from Singapore. The event took place interactively, from the delivery of material followed by questions and answers from the participants.

The activity continued with material from the Faculty of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Technology (FALTL). TRISEP Trisakti University expands students’ global horizons and promotes international cooperation in education conducted jointly by 9 faculties at Trisakti University. This program aims to provide opportunities for students from various countries to engage in cultural and academic exchanges, as well as strengthen the relationship between Trisakti University and international educational institutions.

Through the spirit of innovation and globalization, Trisakti University hopes TRISEP can become a bridge that connects students with wider educational opportunities, as well as advancing the university’s reputation in the international education scene.

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