N Building – 1st Floor
Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain Universitas Trisakti
Kampus A, Jl. Kyai Tapa No.1, Grogol, Jakarta Barat 11440
Telp : +62-21-5663232, Ext. 8254
Drawing and Illustration Laboratory as one of the student learning facilities through practicum, especially the Visual Communication Design Study Program with a concentration of Graphic Design and Multimedia in regular learning activities and Final Projects, facilitating lecturer research based on Scientific Groups of Interior & Human Design, Product & Human Design, Graphic & Multimedia Design, Visual Arts, facilitates Community Services, planning that prioritizes the role of images and illustrations for the needs of further studies.
- Placing the role of images and illustrations in the Tridharma of higher education in the fields of teaching, research, and Community Service (PkM).
- Explore the knowledge of images and illustrations for various benefits (commercial, social services, education, CSR, etc.)
- Helping the development of student potential.
Used for courses:
- Form Drawing
- Explorative Drawing
- Basic Illustration
- Applicable Illustration
- Designing Graphics that utilize images and illustrations
Activity program:
- Regulars related to user courses
- Exploration and experimentation workshop
- Creation method development
- Human Body Anatomy Drawing Exercise
- Non – Regular adapted to research and PkM
Head of Drawing and Illustration Laboratory | : | Drs. D. Adikara Rachman, M.A |