Art and Culture

Art and Culture

The Faculty of Fine Arts and Design, Trisakti University held an exhibition of collaborative works with the theme “ArtSilience”. This exhibition involved 38 artists consisting of students, lecturers, and alumni of FSRD Usakti. Located at 2 Madison Gallery, Jl. Bangka Raya no.20, South Jakarta, the exhibition will take place from 5 – 12 February 2022. This exhibition is curated by Elda Franzia Jasjfi, featuring 65 2D and 3D artworks which are narratives of expressing anxiety and the artists’ response to conditions in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Pengantar Kuratorial ArtSilience Exhibition
Catalog ArtSilience Exhibition 2022

As a series of events, an Artist Talk was held on February 8, 2022 online through a Zoom meeting, with the speakers being artists representing study programs, namely: Gihon Nugrahadi (Product Design Study Program), Atridia Wilastrina (Interior Design Study Program), Yosua Reydo Respati (DVC Study Program). ), Silviana Tahalea (Photography Study Program), AG Andi Hismanto (Product Design Master Study Program).

The Kartini Day Seminar and National Education with the theme “The Spirit of Today’s Indonesian Women, Inspirational, Creative and Innovative” was held to appreciate Indonesian women in education and participation in the creative, arts and culture industries.

The speakers are Indonesian women figures who inspire and excel, namely:

  • Ratih Sanggarwaty (Motivator, PT Ratih Sang Indonesia)
  • Eridani Zulviana (Sepiring Indonesia, DKV Alumni)
  • Sylvie Arizkiani (SylvieRomy Math+Art Design, Interior Design Alumni and Master in Product Design)
  • Annisa Rahmania (Deaf Accessibility Observer, DKV Alumni)

This seminar is supported by a Sign Language Interpreter (JBI) for inclusiveness for Deaf Friends. Held on Sunday, May 2, 2021 through Zoom Meeting.

The mural project “Manners among People, Respect for the Environment” is a mural created to improve the aesthetics of the environment in the Nusaloka housing estate, sector 14 – 5, BSD. This project is a form of translation from local wisdom to visuals with elements of history, mythology, tribal cultural values, folklore, geography, field traditions and tropical climate. Decorative is derived from the batik of the north coast of Java, wayang kulit, and Cirebon glass paintings. All of these become the contents of the mural so that we can stay in touch with the values, beliefs, systems, norms and identities of our cultural diversity.

The attackers: Jun, Manda, Elma, Susi, Vina, Iren, Ipang, Alvin, Rian, Sugab, Musa, Jansen, Adit, Gusse

Held on July 8, 2020.


The appening art event in the 50th anniversary of the Trisakti University FSRD by Kak Dibal (DKV 90 Alumni from Kitapoleng Bali) and students from the Trisakti University FSRD Black and White Community raised the title “Jagat Tirtha”.

Jagat Tirtha is a work inspired by a hundreds of years old primitive Balinese sacred dance, namely the barong brutuk, which is a symbol of the manifestation of the ancestors. Balinese people believe that the whip is a repellent against reinforcements, and after that it returns to zero, namely by melukat or washing oneself with holy water.

Held on Saturday, November 23, 2019, at FSRD Trisakti University

This workshop was held to celebrate the 54th Anniversary of Trisakti University, which was attended by Trisakti University FSRD lecturers and the general public.

The Wire Jewelery workshop is an experimental activity to make jewelry using aluminum wire and decorative stones.

Held on Thursday, 31 October 2019, at R Building 1st floor, FSRD Trisakti University.

A batik painting workshop in the framework of the 50th FSRD Trisakti University was held for students of SMAN 70 Jakarta. This batik painting technique is also known as the cold batik technique. Unlike the batik technique that uses hot nights, the cold batik technique of Gutta Tamarind uses the basic ingredients of Javanese acid powder and vegetable fat.

Instructor: Dra. Atridia Wilastrina, M.Ds

Held on Friday, October 11, 2019, at Gallery N, 1st floor, Trisakti University FSRD.

Various corners of Jakarta may not be known to the general public. The ins and outs and alleys that hold various stories from various circles, are occasionally enjoyed on foot, with a hat, and served with coffee. FADeS (Friday Art and Design Session) explores this urban spot and spills it into sketches that are exhibited to be enjoyed together.

  • Explorative Drawing Workshop, Sunday 22 September 2019.
  • Collage Workshop, Sunday 29 September 2019.
  • Sharing Session with Beng Rahadian and Ferdinand Indrajaya, Saturday 5 October 2019.
  • Live Drawing Workshop, Saturday 12 October 2019.

Held on 12 September – 12 October 2019 at the Setara Room, Jl. Pejaten Raya No. 14A, Sunday Market, South Jakarta.

The exhibition of film posters, which were redesigned from existing film titles, is an application of photography techniques with the exploration of ideas and creativity. The poster is the work of students of the 2015-2017 Visual Communication Design Study Program, participants of the Applied Photography course.

Existing film posters were reconstructed to produce new posters, with an emphasis on studio photography and lighting techniques, combined with visual communication design and layout design skills. These new ideas can add to, disassemble, and even break old movie poster ideas.

Held on: Wednesday, June 26, 2019, at the Gallery Building N, 1st floor, FSRD Trisakti University.

The workshop was held in collaboration with the Community of 22 Ibu and FSRD Trisakti University, to introduce batik techniques using tamarin porridge media. In contrast to the batik technique that uses a hot night, the Gutta Tamarind batik technique uses the basic ingredients of tamarind powder and vegetable fat.

Participants consisted of lecturers in the Trisakti University FSRD environment and the general public who were interested in the newly introduced batik technique. At the end of the workshop, participants produced interesting works and gained new aesthetic experiences.

Instructor: Dra. Atridia Wilastrina, M.Ds

Held on Friday, May 3, 2019, at Gallery R 2nd floor, FSRD Trisakti University FSRD.

This exhibition was held in collaboration with the Community of 22 Mothers with FSRD Trisakti University, carrying the works of 43 artists from Bandung, Jakarta, Bali, Israel, Japan, Bangladesh, Portugal and Spain.

Reinterpretation of Mooi Indie, is a process of interaction between objects and sights that can have a meaning in the form of creative ideas. The 22 Ibu community tries to record the beauty of the past in a contemporary perspective which is interpreted as a batik painting using the Gutta Tamarind technique. In addition, several foreign artists also present works of the same substance.

Curator: Tasri Jatnika, S.Sn, MM

Held on: April 26 – May 10, 2019, at the Gallery Building R 2nd floor, FSRD Trisakti University FSRD.

The Basic Lino Printing Workshop was organized by the Center for Design and Visual Studies of the Trisakti University FSRD for general participants, as well as enlivening the Trisakti Design Market event.

The Lino Printing technique is a printing method using linoleum (like rubber) sheets that are engraved with a chisel to get the dimensions of white lines and images when printed on media. This workshop uses rice paper and tote bags made of calico fabric as the media.

Instructor: Rhomina Hestiningtyas, S.Sn

Held on: Saturday-Sunday, 2-3 February 2019, at the Bank Indonesia Museum, Kota Tua area, Jakarta.

This workshop is a series of activities and closing events of the “Point Zero” Exhibition organized by FADeS and FSRD Trisakti University.

This activity was attended by students from the Visual Communication Design Study Program, Interior Design, and Product Design, to develop exploratory abilities and understand the relationship between art and design, to produce poster works as a result of this workshop.

Held on: Friday, December 7 2018, at Trisakti University FSRD Painting Studio.

The Point Zero process exhibition was organized by FADeS (Friday Art and Design Session) and the Trisakti University FSRD, featuring process works from 15 student participants and Trisakti University FSRD alumni from the Visual Communication Design, Interior Design, and Product Design Study Programs.

Zero Point is a theme that was raised as a statement from the participants about the starting point to expand knowledge and experience regarding contexts, issues and problems. This process work emphasizes the importance of exploring ideas and experimenting with techniques and strengthening imagination, expression, interpretation, and conception.

Curator: Drs. D. Adikara Rachman, MA

Held on: November 29 – December 6 2018, at the Gallery Building N, 1st floor, FSRD Trisakti University.

The participation of Trisakti University FSRD lecturers in the Kampung Indonesia event in Kungstradgarden, which is an exhibition of traditional arts and research. This event was organized by the Indonesian Embassy in Sweden to promote Indonesian tourism and culture.

Performing traditional dance by Dr. Cama Juli Rianingrum, M.Si and Dr. Menul T. Riyanti, M.Pd. In addition, it displays research works from the Interior Design Study Program, Product Design, Visual Communication Design, Photography, and works of weaving and batik fashion.

Held on: 27-28 July 2018 in Stockholm, Sweden.

Visual art exhibition by Ruslan Abdul Gani, a student of the Visual Communication Design Study Program, FSRD Trisakti University.

The visual works on display process elements of fine art as the basis for design education. The works displayed included the titles “The Highest Result of Education is Tollerance” and “Good Design for Better Humanity”.

Held on: 20-21 March 2018 at the Gallery Building N 1st floor, FSRD Trisakti University.

Floatin Button
Floatin Button