N Building – 2nd Floor Kampus A Universitas Trisakti
Jl. Kyai Tapa No.1, Grogol Jakarta 11440
Telp   : +62-21-5663232, Ext.8254
website : https://www.fsrd.trisakti.ac.id
email   : fsrd@trisakti.ac.id
N Building – 2nd Floor Kampus A Universitas Trisakti
Jl. Kyai Tapa No.1, Grogol Jakarta 11440
Telp   : +62-21-5663232, Ext.8254
website : https://www.fsrd.trisakti.ac.id
email   : fsrd@trisakti.ac.id
Established in 2015, the Center for Visual and Environmental Design Studies (RRVL) makes a positive contribution to the development of art and design scientific activities. The RRVL Study Center was established under the Faculty of Art and Design, Trisakti University, aiming for training and innovation development activities, holding scientific meetings, developing design designs and facilitating the creation of businesses for young entrepreneurs managed in a Business Incubator. In developing its activities, the RRVL Study Center opens collaborations between students, lecturers, studios, galleries, small industries, and CSR programs.
The RRVL Study Center puts forward research that refers to the superior fields in the Faculty in accordance with the Faculty Research Road Map (RMP) which is derived from the Trisakti University Research Road Map 2021-2030. With the support of funds, research facilities and infrastructure from Trisakti University and or stakeholders, the Study Center research is expected to play an active role in contributing ideas to the problems of the Indonesian nation, in relation to efforts to achieve the 2021-2025 University Research Master Plan towards a Green Jabodetabek. The RRVL Study Center makes a real contribution to sustainable development in DKI Jakarta, especially to realize a sustainable city or smart city.