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Wednesday, 25 September 2024
Oleh: adminfsrd

Handover of Position of Head of Study Program and Secretary of Study Program of Faculty of Fine Arts and Design, Trisakti University

On September 25, 2024, FSRD Usakti held a handover ceremony for the chairman of the Master of Design study program, Dr. Sangayu Ketut Laksemi Nilotama, M.Ds, chairman of the Product Design study program, Charles Soegiarto Marpaung, S.Sn, M.Ds and secretary of the Product Design study program, Dipl. TD. Rully Ario Dewanto Soriaatmaja, S.T, MTD, chairman of the Visual Communication Design study program, Januar Ivan, S.Sn, M.Ds, and secretary of the Visual Communication Design study program, Bambang Triwardoyo, S.Sn, M.Ds as well as the reappointment of the chairman and secretary of the Photography study program and the reappointment of the Head of the Interior Design study program. The entire academic community of FSRD Usakti congratulates the new officials and thanks for the hard work of the previous officials.

Faculty of Fine Arts and Design
Trisakti University

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